WELCOME: To THG please take the time to read our server rules and info's. NOTE: To get back to this welcome page anytime type: !info or /info in the ingame chat.

THG Server Admins:

Aerynsun, BigT, Binksy, Carlos, DaV, Derfy, JoePinball, Kaibz, kloWn, Lulu, oh01, Slate, TheSteelRat NEWS:

1. *Join THG & support us!?* Apply on our forums now join our server regs officially Apply Here
Why Not join us all on our Mumble server. By Using the following URL to connect instantly (copy/paste) URL: mumble://triggerhappygamers.com:64738/?version=1.2.3
NOTE: you must have a mumble client installed for the above URL to work. The THG Mumble server details are, IP/Name: triggerhappygamers.com Port: 64738 Download Mumble HERE
2. Help keep THG servers online by making a donation towards the running costs of all our servers and future servers, You can do this with 2 easy methods. 1. visit our donations page found HERE on our forums NOTE the paypal process maynot work ingame. The 2nd method is to directly send dontations to donations@triggerhappygamers.com The community appreicates all efforts thankyou.
3. THG Community Matches & Events! Everyone is welcome, If you are intrested? sign up here HERE
There are current events! Sign up now before its to late HERE